Sunday, 7 April 2013

Napowrimo 3 - Blinker


Five hours awake
                                         Scope of my vision
Our needs are met
                                         Healthcare decisions
Professional services
                                         Hiring now
Dribbling milk
                                         Cult of the cow
Thought for the day
                                         Tariff is empty
Charging my mood
                                         Your heat is plenty
Thought would be safer
                                         Bodies are weak
The landslide will settle
                                         Nuzzling cheeks
Like flint in your hand
                                         Scoring a groove
Divined upon bones
                                         On abacus moved
Forever the saint
                                         A small effigy
Electrical lights
                                         Will never be free

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

NaPoWriMo 1 - Our Flat

Our flat

When Paul moved in
I unpacked myself
First by droplets
Then whole organs
I'm surrounded by tubs of rotting food
And empty vodka bottles
It's time we did some dishes
Once we get the strength
I'd like to eject the rubbish from my flat
As the phlegm is ejected from my throat
I slither among my things like mucous
Collecting decay and slowing down
I've a copy of Bukowski
Everyone's too embarrassed to read
We've still not unpacked
There is no space
We never did anything there anyway
Our flat is packed with stolen goods
Of value totalling six pounds
Prime among them the Causewayend Code:
We keep our hands to ourselves
And never hurt with words.